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Dependencies are declared in pyproject.toml however adding them can be simplified with the rye add command. In the most simple invocation it adds a regular dependency, but it can be customized.

Adding Basic Dependency

To add a regular dependency just invoke rye add with the name of the Python package:

rye add Flask

If you also want to define a version, use a PEP 508 requirement:

rye add "Flask>=2.0"

For extra/feature dependencies you can either use PEP 508 syntax or use --features:

rye add "Flask[dotenv]"
rye add Flask --features=dotenv

These dependencies are stored in project.dependencies.

Note about pre-releases

By default add will not consider pre-releases. This means if you add a dependency that has .dev or similar in the version number you will not find a match. To consider them, add them with --pre:

rye add "Flask==2.0.0rc2" --pre

Development Dependencies

For dependencies that should only be installed during development pass --dev

rye add --dev black

These dependencies are stored in the non-standard key.

To run tools added this way without enabling the virtualenv use rye run:

rye run black

Git / Local Dependencies

To add a local or git dependency, you can pass additional parameters like --path or --git:

rye add Flask --git=
rye add My-Utility --path ./my-utility

Note that when adding such dependencies, it's necessary to also provide the name of the package. Additionally for git dependencies all kinds of extra parameters such as --tag, --rev or --branch are supported.

When working with local dependencies it's strongly encouraged to configure a workspace.