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Dependency Sources

new in 0.2.0

Normally Rye loads packages from PyPI only. However it is possible to instruct it to load packages from other indexes as well.

Adding a Source

An index can be added to a project or workspace (via pyproject.toml) or into the global config. Rye will always consult both files where the pyproject.toml file wins over the global config.

Each source needs to have a unique name. The default source is always called default and out of the box points to PyPI.

Add this to ~/.rye/config.toml:

name = "company-internal"
url = "https://company.internal/simple/"

Add this to pyproject.toml:

name = "company-internal"
url = "https://company.internal/simple/"

changed in 0.4.0

Sources in the global config are also considered for tool installations.

Index Types

Rye supports different types of sources and also allows overriding the default PyPI index. If you give another source the name default, PyPI will no longer be used for resolution.

name = "company-internal"
url = "https://company.internal/simple/"
type = "index"  # this is implied
name = "company-internal"
url = "https://company.internal/"
type = "find-links"
name = "default"
url = "https://company.internal/simple/"


Please take note that the default index cannot be of type find-links.

Source Types

The two sources types (index vs find-links) are determined by the underlying pip infrastructure:


This is a PEP 503 type index as provided by tools such as PyPI or devpi. It corresponds to the arguments --index-url or --extra-index-url in pip.

Note: see the uv documentation for more on the use of multiple indexes.

This is a source that can be of a variety of types and has to point to a file path or hosted HTML page linking to packages. It corresponds to the --find-links argument. The format of the HTML page is somewhat underspecified but generally all HTML links pointing to .tar.gz or .whl files are considered.

Index Authentication

HTTP basic auth is supported for index authentication. It can be supplied in two ways. username and password can be directly embedded in the config, or they can be supplied with environment variables.

name = "company-internal"
url = "https://company.internal/simple/"
username = "username"
password = "super secret"
name = "company-internal"
url = "https://${INDEX_USERNAME}:${INDEX_PASSWORD}@company.internal/simple/"

SSL/TLS Verification

By default a source needs to be SSL/TLS protected. If not, rye will refuse to honor the source. You can override this by setting verify-ssl to false:

name = "company-internal"
url = "http://company.internal/simple/"
verify-ssl = false